takes notes to document accident

When you're injured in an accident, take every step to protect your right to fair compensation for your losses. As soon as possible, write down everything you recall about the accident, your injuries, and the impact it's had on your everyday life. These notes could be of value should you decide to pursue a personal injury claim.

As a part of the documentation make sure you see your doctor as soon as possible after the accident. Even serious injuries may not be noticeable to you until later. This step will both put you on the road to a faster recovery, it could also be important documentation in any injury litigation.

It is also wise to consult a personal injury attorney early on. As our personal injury attorney, John Groseclose, says: “If you are injured, you are almost always going to come out of the situation better with the help of an attorney. Attorneys usually make little decisions over a period of time that have a big cumulative effect.”