Port Orchard Trucking Accident Lawyers Help Victims Obtain Just Compensation for Serious Injuries

Washington State attorneys aggressively seek to prove fault in devastating collisions

Trucks are important to the commerce of the United States, but their large size and heavy loads make them particularly dangerous in traffic. If you are injured in a trucking accident, you can trust the dedicated litigators of GSJones Law Group, P.S., based in Port Orchard, to work tirelessly on your behalf to obtain just compensation for your damages. We know how to deal with the trucking company’s insurers, and to identify and prove the fault of truck drivers, their employers and other responsible parties.

Firm investigates the facts and pursues compensation from all liable parties

Federal regulations require every truck driver to hold a commercial driver’s license (CDL) issued by a state. A CDL requires the truck driver to demonstrate they have the medical capacity to meet the physical demands of the job and the skills needed to safely drive their truck. In addition, the federal government imposes various safety requirements on truck drivers, such as periods of rest to avoid driving fatigue. However, some drivers operate their trucks without the required sleep, especially if their employers impose impossible schedules. If we represent you in a lawsuit for your injuries suffered in an accident with a truck, we will have an opportunity to investigate whether the truck driver or their employer violated any of those regulations in a way that contributed to the accident.

Trucking accidents can have many causes

Common causes of trucking accidents include one or more of the following:

  • Driver error — The truck driver might be fatigued, drunk, abusing drugs or simply negligent in operating the truck.
  • Defective equipment — The truck itself might be poorly maintained or have built-in flaws that are the fault of the manufacturer. This might lead to bald or blown out tires, malfunctioning brakes, jackknifing or faulty steering.
  • Improper loads — The cargo might be imbalanced or the truck might be overloaded.
  • Weather conditions — Ice, snow and rain-slick roads can contribute to the accident, but truck drivers must still take appropriate precautions.
  • Road conditions — Faulty roads and traffic signals might also contribute. In these cases, we may also sue to hold the local government responsible for the road conditions.

We will identify all possible causes and bring suit against the parties responsible.

Different types of trucks pose different risks

One of the most dangerous types of truck is the 18-wheeler, because of its massive size and capacity to carry heavy loads. Even a shorter tractor-trailer can easily cause accidents if the trailer is not properly secured, or careless steering causes the trailer to swing dangerously. Even a semi (the tractor without a trailer hitched to it), dump truck or other smaller truck can cause serious accidents if something goes wrong. We understand how the characteristics of each can contribute to your accident.

Trucking accidents can be catastrophic

Trucking accidents can cause some of the worst traffic injuries, and even fatalities. Even if a victim survives, their personal injuries frequently take long periods of time to recover. Paralysis, burns and other traumatic injuries can permanently affect your quality of life. We not only build a case for liability, but also assemble the evidence of your injuries and their effects on you and your family. Whether we are bargaining with the insurance companies or trying the case in front of a jury, we seek to present a strong case for a high settlement or verdict.

Contact a dedicated trucking accident lawyer to discuss your case

GSJones Law Group, P.S. represents Washington trucking accident victims in litigation and insurance matters. Please call 360-876-9221 or contact us online to arrange a consultation with an experienced attorney.